Inktober October

In October there is a month long art challenge made by 'Inkologists'. (Made that term up myself.) When I was on WetCanvas I was perusing the boards and saw some folks doing a watercolor version of Inktober. The idea was use pen and ink as a base and main feature but add in a light wash of watercolor. Fun! This was my first one. I did get busy and wasn't able to keep the entire month up. HOWEVER, I did notice something rather perfect about this exercise. It loosened me....

Everything Means Something

Everything means something. In the spirit of keeping paradoxes alive, everything means nothing as well. What I mean is, meaning is completely subjective. (Insert my laughing husband right here. He will tell you that I am right about everything. Smirk.) What I'm really thinking about here is how I just begin to paint after all of these years, and immediately, instead of just painting to paint.. I'm already wanting to add 'more'. To add deep and powerfully moving meaning behind my 'amazing great works!' that are being...