Morning Sketches Tag

Emily May Studio Arts / Posts tagged "Morning Sketches"

Freak With A Beak

I aptly named this guy (drumrollllll) "Freak With A Beak". Freaks are brave. They hold their heads high. Their tail feathers are proudly displayed. Color shoots from their sometimes awkward (have you seen them walk?) and often quirky selves. You might see a freak in the most unexpected places, let this open you to shine your light so bravely. Fly your freak flag with no regrets, for you are one of a kind and this world needs your voice. Just by being your full, freaky self, you give others permission to be...

Who Emu?

Another Morning Sketch that I just adore. I could sit and paint Emus for hours. Not kidding. Have you seen those dreamy eyes?? Well, in this one I had fun playing with my calligraphy pen and ink nib.  Which I absolutely love to use. There's something about the scratch of the nib on the paper, the ink control as I press down and the tines separate and ink flows out, sometimes unpredictably. The ink I used in this one was just plain old India Ink and it bleeds....

Figs In The Morning

Another one of my Morning Sketches that I did during the month of Inktober. I was having fun playing with some of my M. Graham watercolors and really love this one little tiny spot. On the lower right fig there is a patch where just a twiddle of granulated blue can be seen poking through the glorious purple shades. Because I mixed color on my paper when it was wet. Oh this small thing just makes my morning to witness. Pigment on paper. Smile....

Inktober October

In October there is a month long art challenge made by 'Inkologists'. (Made that term up myself.) When I was on WetCanvas I was perusing the boards and saw some folks doing a watercolor version of Inktober. The idea was use pen and ink as a base and main feature but add in a light wash of watercolor. Fun! This was my first one. I did get busy and wasn't able to keep the entire month up. HOWEVER, I did notice something rather perfect about this exercise. It loosened me....