Evolution Tag

Emily May Studio Arts / Posts tagged "Evolution"

Freedom Painting

This week was an unusually stressy week for me. Household circumstances shifted wildly and found me solely in charge of the kids, house, meals, schedules, etc. It's not that it's difficult, none of it is difficult. It's that I seem to be clunky with transitioning from one lifestyle to another with no notice. It's very jarring to my system. And my system thrives on creative time, productive time and alone time, in big chunks. When that time isn't available for me I get all kinds of crossed...

Me, MySelf and the Big I

Sitting in the discomfort of growing pains is an art unto itself. We all have that innocent desire to be more, grow more, do more. Born from that internal push to move forward into our greater potential, we sometimes find ourselves wearing boots just a tad too big, a dress, maybe not our own. A time comes to shed or shelve our cozy sweaters and pair of well worn leggings.When I sit in contemplation about the archetypal message behind this sweet young lady, I think of all...