If These Wings Could Speak

Emily May Studio Arts / If These Wings Could Speak

We Are The Music Makers

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." ~Arthur O'Shaughnessy, as quoted by Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory   Ode Related Poem Content Details By Arthur O'Shaughnessy We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers And sitting by desolate streams; World losers and world forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems. With wonderful deathless ditties We build up the world’s great cities. And out of a fabulous story We fashion an empire’s glory: One man...

Me, MySelf and the Big I

Sitting in the discomfort of growing pains is an art unto itself. We all have that innocent desire to be more, grow more, do more. Born from that internal push to move forward into our greater potential, we sometimes find ourselves wearing boots just a tad too big, a dress, maybe not our own. A time comes to shed or shelve our cozy sweaters and pair of well worn leggings.When I sit in contemplation about the archetypal message behind this sweet young lady, I think of all...

Mother Mary 2… Tribal Mary

For the gypsy parts of myself I wanted to take the original Mother Mary that I wrote about in the previous post, and make her bliss out in tribal dress. Love, love, love her. However, I did not love painting on this surface. It was new to me and it seemed like a brilliant idea. I got everything all sketched in and started painting only to find my face contorting rather quickly.  It is Fredrix 100% Cotton Canvas for water based paints. Watercolor. It doesn't absorb much at...

Mary, Did You Know?

Part of my If These Wings Could Speak Collection, where I take the average person and transform them with wings. I try to find a diverse and sometimes overlooked ethnicity, sexual orientation, or neglected seeming spirit, all practicing being human. I'm sharing how to see differently, how to find our common ground together. It's deeply nourishing to my soul to paint people in an elevated way. Painting them as having the same aspect of 'goodness' we all feel we have inside of ourselves. Everybody has it, somewhere,...

In the Aftermath There is Light

I woke up the morning after election night and couldn't believe my eyes. Trump won? I wasn't particularly excited about any of the candidates on the ballot. And I wasn't excited about him either. But I certainly didn't expect a win from that corner. I sat in bed, leaned back and stared at the ceiling, trying to comprehend what this meant. Because, I find him strangely disconnected and unbalanced. And that's the nicest way I can put it. That's not really the kind of guy I expected to...