The Wisdom Of Sister Wives

Emily May Studio Arts / Essential Oils  / The Wisdom Of Sister Wives

The Wisdom Of Sister Wives

Polygamy has been on my mind lately. Explanation to follow.

Every school year is equal to one pregnancy term. I have about 9 months to work on my jewelry and art businesses, possibly learn the new trends in ‘social media’ whatever and just as I’m getting things really rolling… I have to give away the baby. Summer hits and I’m totally unable to keep up with my business plans, plus kids things, plus household things.

It’s just a weird time.

So, I set my stuff aside for 3 months and then begin again in fall. I am now coming off of the tail end of summer with my hubs career change, busy summer schedules for kids and school starting… whew.. my schedule has been pretty intense. And I’m ITCHING like a wildebeest with a bad case of fleas, to get back into my studio and create. And if that schedule gets too jam packed, drags on for too long into the beginning of the school year before I have space to work on my own things, well.. my nervous system hits a bit of overwhelm with all of the crazy. I recently noticed that it’s become a rolling theme in my life during the transition times my family experiences. As you can read about in my post from last spring called Freedom Painting. (Where I temporarily remedy the situation with paint.)

So, the other (overly hot day… think 105*) I was out walking the dog nice and early and it hit me.

Mormons are flipping brilliant.

Several women, only one dude. I see zero downsides to this setup.






I’d have an automatic babysitting team. I could barter with Melissa to take care of my sewing… I’ll draw her a hot bath and rub essential oils on her feet. Don’t feel like fondling tonight? That’s cool, Maria does. She can spend the night with the hubs while I read a good book. Need a clean bra? Charlotte is about my size. Feeling isolated at the studio table? Fine, take a break and go peel potatoes with Joanne at the water-cooler and catch up on the family news. Need to plan a vacation? Alexis is rock solid at planning those. Do not worry about a single detail. She’ll even make those handy lists for packing the family suitcases and share them through Google Docs. Oh, retirement planning? Well, Rose is just fabulous at that since she spent 4 years in college studying finance before she married into the family. Need to spend an afternoon with the kids guilt free? There are like, 5 other women cleaning the house and managing the emails and groceries. Go for it. And if I don’t feel like performing ‘Canine physical therapy’ today I can have one of the 17 kids do that. They love dog tricks! I mean… how smart is this system? Completely smart.

The only issue I have is that I really do need a lot of quiet time and space. But that can easily be solved with a tree-house.  I’ve always wanted one of those too.
But since I am slightly anti-social and probably not going to find what I’m looking for on any of the popular dating sites, I will just enjoy my fantasy for now and turn my focus back to what’s in my lap today.

I am healthy. I am inspired. I am working productively on what I love. Kids are back in school and next week is my first full week with no appointments other than the time I’m dedicating to being in my studio. Hubs is settled in his new job. Meals are planned. Budget is done. I have quiet time and peace in my schedule again.

Drawing in a big deep contented breath and feeling the whole of my body down to my toes.


And breathing innnnnnnnnnn another.


And one last one……

Going to get out my paints, put on one of my favorite essential oil blends in the diffuser (which you can find here). Breathing in the relaxing and grounding scents of Ho Wood, Spruce Needle, Frankincense and Chamomile among other oils. And just going to be in my bliss, loving the ebbs and flows of life.

Emily May

I am an artist, living and painting inspired by the world around me. Right now I am drawn to watercolor with a splash of colored pencil thrown in for good measure. A touch of acrylic and whatever else rolls across my bench that looks interesting to use. The world is full of artistic possibilities.


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